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About Mariah

Texas-based photographer


My fascination with photography came at a young age, rummaging through all the photos my mother stored in two  dusty bins. One green  and one red, I made her pull them from her closet for me to admire each photo. Photos from when I was just a baby, sleeping on my beloved horse's back, Romeo- in the valley of California, to the first summer we spent living in Minnesota, climbing in a willow tree with my cousins in our great-grandparents lush, green backyard. This was an annual occurrence of mine. 

Fast forward many years, and I found myself sitting in a stale classroom, in the depths of Texas, working a part-time job that wasn't by any means fulfilling. I couldn't help but think that I was wasting my time. I wanted creativity. I yearned to make connections in the real world. So I did just that. With the help of a dear friend, I managed to find myself as an intern for a local business taking photos and learning the ins-and-outs of social media.


Fast forward less than a year later, a pandemic hit. I realized how much I value my time, and working as an essential employee at the time was exhausting. It made me realize what mattered to me- happiness. That thing that made me happy? Photography & travel. So I bought an RV &  quit my job in the midst of a pandemic. That's where the story begins. 

When it comes to photography, working with other creatives in a space that allows no limits, is by far my favorite aspect. Meeting so many unique souls and their stories is what truly inspires me, and photography allows me to do just that. All while allowing me to capture the beauty of each and every one. 

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